GPF2019 La parola a Massimiliano Ambesi e Angelo Dolfini
La Finale di Grand Prix 2019 è terminata e abbiamo dovuto seguirla senza il commento competente, istruttivo e interessante dei nostri commentatori di fiducia, Massimiliano Ambesi e Angelo Dolfini.
Max e Angelo non sono però scomparsi, hanno seguito ogni istante della gara e ne hanno commentato ed analizzato gli aspetti fondamentali.
Quella che segue è una raccolta di tutti i Facebook post, tweet, articoli e podcast di Massimiliano, con il contributo di Angelo per il podcast, dedicati alla Finale di Torino, come sempre con i nostri EleC-fari puntati esclusivamente su Yuzuru Hanyu (e vi assicuro che seguire e aggiornare in modo approfondito solo quanto riguarda lui è già stata un’impresa! )
Al Palavela è stato loro dedicato un banner! Bellissima iniziativa!!
@max_ambesi @AngeloDolfini piccole perle direttamente dal Palavela ?
— Grace (@Grace75it) December 5, 2019
3 dicembre: Arrivo di Yuzuru in Italia
#YuzuruHanyu has finally landed in Torino. After more than 11 years, he came back to Italy.
Will there be room for the quadruple lutz in the free skate?
We'll find out soon, maybe tomorrow.#GPF2019— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 3, 2019
Only Davis/White (5,ice-dancing) and Shen/Zhao (6,pairs) won the Grand Prix final at least 5 times.#YuzuruHanyu is undefeated in the last 4 finals in which he skated. In Torino he will try to become the first single skater to win 5 #GPFinals.
Another step towards the legend…— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 3, 2019
4 dicembre:
Presentazione dei temi principali della Finale di Grand Prix
‘Ambesi Winter Corner’: “Solo una Dorothea Wierer autoritaria ferma la Norvegia pigliatutto”
Practice 1
#YuzuruHanyu arrived at the Palavela in Torino, where the first official practice will begin in a few minutes.#GPF2019
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 4, 2019
#YuzuruHanyu – Jump before run-through:
3Lz, 4T, 4S, 4Lo (step-out), 4Lo (fall), 4Lo, 4S, Lz, 4Lz.The quadruple lutz has finally come back!
Origin RT: 4Lo (fall), 4S, marked 3Lz, 4T, 4T1Lo3F, 1A1T, 3A+3A. #GPF2019
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 4, 2019
In the first practice session, #YuzuruHanyu has landed four different quadruple jumps.
To the usual toeloop, salchow and rittberger, he also added the lutz.Good feeling with the ice and good overall impression
In the order 4S, 4Lo, 4Lz, 4T+3T#GPF2019
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 4, 2019
5 dicembre:
Practice 2
#YuzuruHanyu – Jump before SP run-through (second practice):
4T+3T, 4Lo, 4S, 4S, 4S, 4T+3T, 3A(fall), 3A, 4Lz, 2THe well completed the first 7 quadruple jump attempts!
Otonal RT: 4S, 3A, 4T (fall)
After that he well performed 4T+3T twice.
Everything under control#GPF2019
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 5, 2019
Even in the second practice session #YuzuruHanyu has landed four different quadruple jumps, including the lutz.
This 4Lz has a perfect entrance from a back outside edge and very good height.
This is a real 4Lz with the correct toe assistance and a minimal prerotation.#GPF2019— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 5, 2019
Programma Corto:
6 dicembre: Practice 3
#YuzuruHanyu – Jump before FS run-through (friday practice): 4T+3T, 3A(hand down), 4S, 4T+euler+3F, 4Lo, 4Lz
Origin RT: 4Lo, 4Lz fall, Lz, 4S, 2T, 4T3T, 3A+3A
(probably) Planned Program Content: 4Lo,4Lz,3Lz,4S,4T+euler+3F, 4T+3T,3A+seq+3A.
BV+Max GOE=142.23#GPF2019— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 6, 2019
At the end of the Friday practice session, #YuzuruHanyu repeatedly attempted the quadruple axel.
In the last attempt, in my opinion, the quadruple axel has been rotated#GPFigure #4Axel— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 6, 2019
7 dicembre
Practice 4
#YuzuruHanyu – Jump before FS run-through (saturday practice): Lz, 3Lz, Lz, 3Lz, 4T+3T, 4S, 4T+eu+3F, 3A+3A, 3Lz, 2S, 2S, 4S, 4Lo(so), Lo, 4Lo, Lz, Lz, 3Lz
Origin RT: 4Lo, marked Lz, 3Lz, 4S, 4T+eu+3F, 4T+3T, 3A+seq+3A
Planned Content: 4Lo,4Lz,3Lz,4S,4T+eu+3F, 4T+3T,3A+seq+3A.
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 7, 2019
if the plans do not change, in today free sakte #YuzuruHanyu will attempt the sequence of two triple axels, never performed in the past (3A+seq+3A)#GPFigure #neverforgetHelsinki
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 7, 2019
Free Skate – Planned program content#YuzuruHanyu
4Lo, 4Lz, 3Lz, 4S, 4T+Eu+3F, 4T+3T, 3A+3A+SEQ
Base Value – 100.48 (BV+Max Goe 142.23)Nathan Chen
4F+3T, 4Lz, 4T+Eu+3F, 3A, 4S, 4T, 3Lz+3T
Base Value – 99.33 (BV+Max Goe 141.43)#GPFigure— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 7, 2019
Warm up
The best quadruple lutz i've ever seen!#YuzuruHanyu FS warm-up#GPFigure
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 7, 2019
Programma Libero
#YuzuruHanyu for the first time in his career landed four different quadruple jumps.
Origin – 4Lo, 4Lz, 3Lz, 4S, 4T+Eu+3F, 4T+2T, A
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 7, 2019
11 dicembre
‘Ambesi Winter Corner’: “Alena Kostornaia sensazionale! Yuzuru Hanyu può ribaltare la situazione”
English translation by Charlotte Lorean. Thanks! (visit her Page: A passion for Translation) Q: You haven’t mentioned it, but I’d like to know your opinion about the multiple complaints about the scores in the Men’s single competition. What is your idea about it?
A: “First things first, Nathan Chen is the worthy winner of the final, and he deserved his result on the field, but his skating isn’t worth the scores that he gets. Right now, there’s a clear problem on the attribution of the GOE and on the evaluation of the program components. More quadruple jumps can’t automatically mean more PCS, and especially when the necessary requirements are not present, over-scoring the jump elements should not be possible, but it’s not just that. The current score system doesn’t work well right now. It’s not only a problem of lack of proportionality between the TES and the PCS, which is well known, I also think that the situation was way worsened when they changed the GOE attribution system at the beginning of this Olympic four-year period.
In my opinion, the current rules are not applied correctly because no judge, and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise, is able to evaluate in real/almost real-time the many elements of the programs, with precise references to the six bullet points that are to be referenced in the rules, to the possible deductions that may happen, and don’t forget that at the same time they also have to evaluate the five scores of the components.
With this statement, I’m not saying that the judges are not competent to do that, but simply that the current GOE assignment system is not applicable in such a short time as what they have. The example, in this sense, can be represented by any segment of the competitions in this season. I invite everyone to compare the quad Salchows made by Hanyu and Chen in the free skate in Turin, jumps that, inexplicably, obtained the same GOE.
Thus, if it is not possible, for reasons that I think are understandable, to apply the rules as they were thought, maybe it would be better to create something different, so that anyone can adjust accordingly, and they can avoid losing credibility. Obviously, my premise is that there’s no deceit, although, after having seen some people at work, I might have a doubt about that. In any case, I’ll ignore it for now, and go forward, even if I’m quite perplexed.
We need corrective measures, and we need them as soon as possible, but I’m not convinced that those who are in charge of these decisions may be able to intervene.”
Q: With an answer like this, I cannot help asking you if Yuzuru Hanyu can beat a Chen who, in fact, is able to carry out every planned element.
A: “In a competition with spotless programs for both of them, the victory would go to the Japanese skater. I have no doubt about it, because he is one step ahead in every score entry. In the free skate in Turin, the base value planned by Hanyu, counting the highest GOE possible, was 0,8 points above Chen’s. Thus, they are on basically even ground on this. It’s clear that Chen is more at ease in completing five quadruple jumps. The American skater, in this sense, is favoured by his skating: he spends less energy because he clearly covers less ice and has more two-footed skating, and this advantage still remains even though Hanyu had to simplify his free skate, compared to the previous ones, to be able to put in five quadruple jumps as well. In any case, it needs stressing that the Japanese man’s jumps are better in quality, which means more height (in the final, the height for every jump was measured and the difference was embarrassing), the width, the entrance, the exit position, and a lot of other elements.
Chen demonstrated to be superior on the athletic point of view, and on this part Hanyu will have to work in order to overcome this situation. Besides, another important difference is where the jumps are placed. Chen starts with his three most difficult elements in the first half (not in bonus zone), and two of them are combination jumps, and has a second part that is lighter than Hanyu’s, who instead wants to execute three difficult combinations as the last three jump elements. I think that in Toronto they’ll need to think about this.
In general, I still think that the comparison on the PCS is out of the question, because the Olympic champion has an advantage on every item, in particular on the less subjective ones, like skating skills and transitions. Especially in the short program, the difference is even higher. It is clear that it’s still necessary for Hanyu to complete every planned jump. In Turin, for the first time in his career, he was able to complete five quadruple jumps, of four different kinds, Lutz included. Surely, this is an important starting point for the future. As for the rest, we can only wait for the next competition.
Un saluto e a domani con un altro breve post di approfondimenti e articoli.
Ciao ciao!