E’ il momento di un altro post velocissimo, dedicato ad una traduzione fornitaci dalla nostra amica Kumi.
In occasione dell’avvicinarsi del termine dell’Era Heisei e per celebrare il trentesimo anniversario di Impero dell’attuale Imperatore Akihito, è stato pubblicato un libro nel quale sono contenuti messaggi di congratulazioni di 275 personaggi pubblici/celebrità rivolti alle loro maestà l’Imperatore Akihito e la moglie, Imperatrice Michiko.
Il titolo di questo libro commemorativo, messo in vendita pochi giorni fa e andato subito esaurito, è:
平成の御世をことほぎて (Heisei no miyo wo kotohogite).
Nel volume sono contenuti, per la precisione, i messaggi di 260 singoli individui (fra cui noti cantanti, attori, fotografi, atleti e altri personaggi famosi, compreso il Signor Habu, giocatore di shogi, il cui cognome è scritto con gli stessi caratteri di Hanyu 羽生 ), e di 15 comitati.
A seguire copio la traduzione in inglese del messaggio di Yuzuru Hanyu, fornitami dalla sempre gentilissima Kumi, che ringrazio infinitamente!!
English translation by Kumi. Thanks!!
“On the auspicious 30th anniversary of the enthronement, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Emperor and Empress. I was born a few years later when Heisei Era had started. I am 24 years old now, so fortunate to have seen/met Their Majesties twice. In Heisei 26th, right after Sochi Olympics, I was invited to the Imperial Garden Party, Their Majesties spoke to me about Great-Eastern Japan Earthquake. When I skated, in those days, I skated with the sympathy for the people suffering from the disaster, and I was really hoping to help them to revive, reconstruct their lives, wished to be an emotional support for them to make a fresh start… I felt they shared my feelings. Ever since, I have got this feeling that they have been pushing my back gently. [Imperial Spring Garden Party 2014] Last year, in Heisei 30th, I was again invited to the Imperial Garden Party, when they asked me about the injury of my foot. I was so deeply moved by their warm concern. Their majesties’ sympathy I felt at the time of Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. They often came to the affected area, they spoke to the people suffering without any discriminations and treated us equally. I remember clearly that I was so much encouraged by Their Majesties, as I am by the disaster-striken area. They have given me the chance to make up my mind: my resolution to dedicate my life to Sendai and other disastered areas. [Imperial Spring Garden Party 2019] I was born in Heisei, and aged with this Era. My experience, my feelings, and the words they gave me… I am ready to link all of them to the future. I would extend my cordial wish to the Emperor and Empress, for their great happiness, and again, congratulate Their Majesties’ 30th anniversary of the accession to the throne.” Yuzuru Hanyu |
Un saluto e alla prossima,
Ciao Ciao!