Come ormai purtroppo sappiamo, il network francese Eurosport non si è aggiudicato i diritti televisivi per il pattinaggio di figura, validi per l’intera stagione 2019-2020 e, dunque, nessuno dei canali Eurosport ha potuto trasmettere le gare come invece accadeva da tanti anni.
Questo per gli appassionati di pattinaggio italiani ha significato dover rinunciare alla telecronaca puntuale e competente di Massimiliano Ambesi e Angelo Dolfini.
Nonostante ciò, non siamo rimasti completamente orfani, in quanto nel corso di tutta la stagione Massimiliano e Angelo hanno condiviso sui social i loro pareri, le loro considerazioni e le loro preziose spiegazioni sulla materia.
In particolare Max è molto presente sui social e anche in questa occasione dei 4CC2020 non ha fatto mancare costanti aggiornamenti ed approfondimenti online.
Il post di oggi è una raccolta dei suoi tweet sull’argomento, dei post pubblicati sulla sua Pagina Facebook, su Instagram ed eventuali articoli e video, per ripercorrere insieme a lui l’intera settimana di gara di Yuzuru Hanyu.
Una premessa: i fans giapponesi possono trovare gli interventi di Max tradotti in lingua giapponese da Nymphea sul suo blog:
Benvenuti sul Pianeta Hanyu!
Grazie a Nymphea per tutto il suo lavoro!
Cominciamo dalla fine dell’anno scorso, dall’annuncio ufficiale da parte della JSF, giunto come di consueto al termine dei Campionati Nazionali Giapponesi, degli atleti che avrebbero rappresentato/rappresenteranno il Paese nelle competizioni della seconda metà della stagione: 4 Continenti, Mondiali Junior e Mondiali.
Come sappiamo, Yuzuru è stato inserito nella delegazione di entrambi gli eventi senior.
22 dicembre
In Seoul (4-9 february), #YuzuruHanyu will compete in the 4 Continents Championships, the only competition he has never won.
He will try to match Kim, Virtue/Moir, Zagitova, Trankov and Savchenko, the 6 skaters who have won everything available between junior and senior category— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) December 22, 2019
24 dicembre 2019
English translation by Alessandra Montrucchio
Yuzuru HANYU decided to give the figure skating universe a much appreciated Christmas gift: a new interpretation of a program that with full right is now part of the history of this sport. It was almost an improvised choice, and yet, for this very reason, even richer in emotional implications. A lived-in, heartfelt interpretation of a music theme that will be forever strongly linked to Hanyu’s name. Seimei 3.0 is the best business card for the Four Continents Championships, the next competition of the season, which will be held at the beginning of February. In Seoul, Yuzuru HANYU will try for the nth time to make history, conquering the only trophy he still misses in his rich collection and therefore becoming the first man in figure skating’s history to win every and any existent junior and senior prize. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all. |
22 gennaio
Exactly 15 days to go to the men short program of the Four Continents Championships.#YuzuruHanyu will be there with the target of winning the only missing trophy in his rich notice board.
Who will be the opponents for the victory?
Stay tuned…#4ContsFigure #Seoul #4CC2020— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) January 22, 2020
1 febbraio
What's the truth?
Otoñal or Chopin Ballade No. 1?
Origin or Seimei?The answers will come from #YuzuruHanyu.
He knows the best way to win the Four Continents Championships#4cc2020— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 1, 2020
3 febbraio
"The Quadruple Axel is a wall that human have not conqueret yet. I'd like to go over this wall"
So said #YuzuruHanyu speaking with Japanese Television.
Therefore once more:
"Welcome to Planet Hanyu, population one: Him!"Road to #4CC2020
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 3, 2020
According to Ghislain Briand, recently landed in Korea, #YuzuruHanyu doesn't include 4A in the FS.
The idea is to perform four quadruple jumps of three different types (Lz,S,T)
Briand said Hanyu is skating for himself not for someone else. Every choice was made by Yuzuru #COC2022— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 3, 2020
4 febbraio
#4CC2020 #YuzuruHanyu didn't take part at the first practice session
SP – Planned content
4S, 4T+3T, x3A
Base Value – 45,8 (BV+Max Goe 66,2)FS – Planned content
4Lz, 4S, 3A, 3F, x4T+3T, x4T+1Eu+3S, x3A+2T
Base Value – 92,63 (BV+Max Goe 132,93)
FCCSp is new.— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 4, 2020
#YuzuruHanyu has finally landed in Seoul. Almost two years after the Olympic victory, he came back to Korea.
Obviously, he will not take part in the first day of official practice, but will be on the ice tomorrow.
Brian Orser also came with him.#COC2022
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 4, 2020
English translation by @ApassionforTranslation (please, go visit also her tumblr blog !)
Yuzuru HANYU didn’t take part to the first official practice of the Four Continents Championship, and, unless something new comes up, he should miss the second one too. Looking at the collocation and choice of the elements, he is presenting completely revised programs compared to the past. The impression is that the positioning and the choice of the elements has been done in order to maximize the quality and to earn as many points as possible on the GOE. Regarding the short program (Chopin Ballade No. 1), the 3A is put in Bonus Zone, instead of the 4T+3T combo, and the sitspin with change of foot (CSSp) goes in the second half, compared to the Olympic version. 4S, 4T+3T, x3A The free skate (Seimei 3.0), because of the new rules compared to the 2017-2018 season (the program is 30 seconds shorter and there’s one less jump), can be considered never seen before. There are a lot of changes, both regarding jumps and spins, as we have here a flying camel spin with change foot (FCCSp). In particular, the first triple Axel is made as third jump element, a positioning that lets us imagine future developments. 4Lz, 4S, 3A, 3F, x4T+3T, x4T+1Eu+3S, x3A+2T P.S. It is still to be understood if both lay-outs will be confirmed on the field, considered that there are frequently mistakes in the communications. |
Lo stesso video su Dailymotion
5 febbraio
#YuzuruHanyu will not take part in the wednesday morning training at the practice rink.
He should be present in the afternoon training session at the main rink (07:15 cet, 15:15 in Korea).Waiting to see at least one of the new programs…#4CC2020
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 5, 2020
#YuzuruHanyu – Jump before SP-RT (wednesday afternoon): 3A, 4T+3T, 3Lz, 4Lz fall, 4S
New Chopin Ballade No.1 RT:
4S, 4T+3T, FCSp, x3A, xCSSp, StSq, CCoSp.After RT- He landed also 4T+eu+3S and 4Lz
Good impression, at first less jumps than usual, more work on details#4CC2020
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 5, 2020
#YuzuruHanyu, the news about his programs and the target of the first victory in the Four Continents Championships are the main topics in the new edition of Ambesi('s)Winter Corner, only on @OA_Sport #4CC2020
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 5, 2020
English translation by Alessandra Montrucchio.
Yuzuru Hanyu, who landed yesterday in Seoul to take part in the 4CC, today was at the second practice session. Strangely enough, he spent the first ten minutes doing only a couple of jumps, focusing on some choreographic details, and skating freely [not performing parts of his programs]. Before the SP run-through he jumped 3A, 4T+3T, 3Lz, 4Lz (fall), 4S. In his SP run-through (Chopin Ballade No. 1), he skillfully saved the opening 4S, since he was a bit off-axis, then he completed easily the combination 4T+3T (he jumped it very well several times throughout the practice) and the 3A. In the second half of the session, he landed also the combination 4T+eu+3S and the 4Lz. Moreover, he performed several moments of his free skate. The overall impression was surely positive, even if he didn’t try too hard and looked in absolute control. |
Articolo/intervista a Massimiliano su OASport, di cui una parte dedicata al pattinaggio e a Yuzuru Hanyu.
“Ambesi Winter Corner”
“Yuzuru Hanyu cerca risposte e record nei Campionati dei Quattro Continenti” ‘Ambesi Winter Corner’
Traduzione in Spagnolo dell’intervista
~"Yuzuru Hanyu busca respuestas y registro en el Campeonato de los Cuatro Continentes"
Entrevista a @max_ambesi
"Después de todo, nadie mejor que él ha sabido combinar la omnipotencia técnica con la excelencia artística ".
Entrevista completa:— Yuzuru Hanyu Latino (@YuzuruLatino) February 7, 2020
6 febbraio
In the #4ContsFigure short program, which will be held tomorrow starting at 10:05 CET, #YuzuruHanyu will be the twenty-third to skate at 13:35. There will be 25 skaters.
The Chinese Jin Boyang will be the last to skate#4CC2020— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 6, 2020
According to who was present at the practice rink #YuzuruHanyu landed a perfect 4Lz before the FS Run-Through
Seimei 3.0 "Likely Run-Through":
2Lz, 4S (fall), 3A, 3F, 3T, 4T+1eu+3S, 3A+2TAt the moment, there are no images available
Waiting for updates#4CC2020 #4ContsFigure
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 6, 2020
Today, #YuzuruHanyu landed a perfect 4Lz before the FS Run-Through
Seimei 3.0 "Official Run-Through":
2Lz (popped), 4S (fall), 3F, 3T, 4T+1eu+3SDuring the run-through he did not attempt the triple axel for his choice.
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 6, 2020
7 febbraio
#YuzuruHanyu – Jump before Last SP-RT (friday morning): A, 3A, 4T, 4T+3T, 3Lz, Lz, Lz, Lz, 4S, 2S.
New Chopin Ballade No.1 RT:
4S (fall), 4T+3T (+5), 3A (+5)After He landed also 4S (hand), 4S, 3A
Good impression, but there is some problem with edge-jumps due the ice#4CC2020
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 7, 2020
#4CC2020 – Short program
One of the best "Chopin" in the glorious history of #YuzuruHanyu
This is the new world record under the new rules
In my opinion, 4S(+5), 4T+3T(+5), x3A(+5)
111.82 (63.42|48.40)#outstanding
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 7, 2020
For the sixth time in a short program of an international competition, #YuzuruHanyu got more than 110.00 points, score achieved only once by the rest of the world
In this season, he is first in:
TES (63.42-#4CC2020)
PCS (48.47-Skate Canada)
TSS (111.82-4CC)Always #awesome
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 7, 2020
Another 3A of stunning beauty and great difficulty
+1 very good height and lenght
+1 good take-off and landing
+1 effortless
+1 very difficult and creative entry
+1 very good body position
+1 element matches the music
GOE+6 = perfection
for judges, 3 excluded, +5
#YuzuruHanyu— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 7, 2020
Nine skaters achieved more than 100 points in the short program#YuzuruHanyu was the first in 2014
He holds all the records
112.72 Hanyu (13)
110.38 Chen (10)
109.05 Fernandez (7)
104.87 Uno (10)
103.32 Jin (3)
103.13 Kolyada (3)
102.13 Chan (1)
101.49 Aliev (1)
100.51 Zhou (2)— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 7, 2020
English translation by @ApassionforTranslation (please, go visit also her tumblr blog!)
Translation of Massimiliano Ambesi’s post on the short program!! Yuzuru HANYU (111.82) put forward a good deposit on the first success in career in the Four Continents Chaimpionship, the only trophee missing on his royal wall. The Japanese Ace dominated the first segment of the competition, bringing back for the occasion a reviewed and updated version of the legendary short program on Chopin Ballade No.1, that represents a cornerstone in the history of this sport. HANYU impeccably executed every single jump element, opening his skate with the usual quad Salchow, followed by a stunningly beautiful combination jump quad Toeloop + triple Toeloop and by a hugely difficult triple Axel with we saw a comeback of the old entrance. The performance put out on the ice of the Waikiki Mokdong Ice Rink in Seoul has given him the new World Record with the new rules. Besides, in this season, the two times Olympic champion has the best technical score (63.42, today) and the higher result on the program components (48.47, Skate Canada). It’s objectively difficult to do better, although there are still some doubt son the evaluations of the program components. Runner up, a good Chinese Boyang JIN (95.83), able to save with his experience the jump combination quad Lutz – triple toeloop (the element worth most points in the competition) and the triple Axel. The temporary podium is completed by the American Jason BROWN (94.71), impeccable in his skate without quadruple jumps, and today even better than usual in his triple Axel. It’s important to stress that six skaters got more than 90 points, included the young Japanese Yuma KAGIYAMA (91.61), fifth in his international debut in the senior category. |
English translation by @ApassionforTranslation (please, go visit also her tumblr blog!)
For the sixth time in a short program of an international competition, Yuzuru HANYU got more than 110 points, a threshold only one other athlete in the sport could surpass. As of today, nine skaters have got at least 100 points in the short program. Yuzuru HANYU has been the first to break the wall in 2014 and at the moment he has every kind of record both TES and PCS. 112.72 Hanyu (13 times over 100 points) 110.38 Chen (10) Welcome to PLANET HANYU, residents, one: HIM! |
English translation by @ApassionforTranslation (please, go visit also her tumblr blog!)
In the short program of the Four continents Championship, Yuzuru HANYU got 111.82 points on 116.20 available with the technical content he presented. TES 63.42 on 66.20 PCS 48.40 in 50.00 In this instance, the average on each single element of the program component has been 9.68, with skating skills and transitions “underestimated” compared to the rest, as confirmed by the fact that the few “TENS” awarded arrived in performance (2), composition (1) and interpretation (2). Objectively, considering the quality of today’s performance and the criteria with which the competitions of the recent past have been judged, in primis the Grand Prix final, it wouldn’t have been amiss to be a bit more generous with the scores. This said, the true doubt is about the GOE of the three jump elements presented, in succession 4S, 4T+3T, 3A. Hanyu went very close to the maximum score available, but didn’t get it. Considering each jump, what was missing? ✅✅✅ + 1 very good height and very good length ✅✅✅ + 1 good take-off and landing ✅✅✅ + 1 effortless throughout (including rhythm in Jump combination) ✅✅✅ + 1 steps before the jump, unexpected or creative entry ✅✅✅ + 1 very good body position from take-off to landing ✅✅✅ + 1 element matches the music The debate is open. |
8 febbraio
According to who was present at the practice rink during the saturday morning training, #YuzuruHanyu had some problems with the 4Lz
Seimei 3.0 "Likely RT":
Lz, 4S, 3A, 3F, 4T, 4T+1eu+3S, 3A+2TAnyhow very good impression
Waiting for updates and for images…#4CC2020
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 8, 2020
9 febbraio
#YuzuruHanyu – Last practice before free skate
4T+1eu+3S, 3A+2T, 4S, 3A, 3F, 3Lz, 3Lz, Lz, Lz, Lz, Lz, Lz, 4Lz, 4S
He left the rink before the run-through
No problem on all jumps, except the quadruple lutz, completed before leaving the ice
He's ready!#4CC2020 #4ContsFigure
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 9, 2020
For the sixteenth time in an international competition #YuzuruHanyu has achieved at least 290 points.
Work in progress to make #Seimei 3.0 into a masterpiece.
4Lz(S.O.), 4S(perfect), 3A(perfect), 3F(perfect), 4T+1eu+3S, 4T(fall), 3A+3T(perfect)
187.60 (97.32|91.28)#4CC2020— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 9, 2020
#YuzuruHanyu has finally won the Four Continents Championships becoming the first men's single skater to win everything available in the junior and senior categories.
Nine years have passed since the first podium in #4ContFigure
Another record day for the biggest ever #GOAT
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 9, 2020
The road to history's first #superslam
?04/12-2009,, Tokyo
?11/03-2010, JWCH, The Hague
?06/12-2013,, Fukuoka
?14/02-2014, OWG, Sochi
?28/03-2014, WCH, Saitama
?09/02-2020, #4CCFigure, Seoul#YuzuruHanyu simply the #GOAT— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 9, 2020
Before #YuzuruHanyu the skaters capable of completing #Superslam were Yu-Na Kim (2010), Maxim Trankov (2014), Virtue/Moir (2016), Aljona Savchenko (2018) and Alina Zagitova (2019)
Hanyu boasts an open streak of 26 international races on the podium which started in December 2014
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 9, 2020
Among seven skaters capable of completing #SuperSlam, Aljona #Savchenko and #YuzuruHanyu are the only ones who have won races in three different decades.
…and it's not over yet…
— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 9, 2020
English translation by @ApassionforTranslation (please, go visit also her tumblr blog!)
The Waikiki Mokdong Ice Rink in Seoul was the scene of the latest of Yuzuru HANYU’s sport endeavours, winner, for the first time in his career, of the Four Contintents Champaionship. The success has been beyond significative because it allowed him to complete the so-called “SUPERSLAM”, becoming the first Single men skater to win everything he could both in Junior and Senior major competitions. To give an idea of the greatness and of the agonistic longevity of the Japanese Ace, it is sufficient to highlight that it’s already been nine years since the first podium he got in the 4CC in 2011. Today’s program wasn’t a bed of roses. The quadruple Lutz, made impeccably in the warm-up, was completed with a sort of step-out and putting a hand on the ice. Moreover, both quadruple Toeloops gave some problems, as the first was saved fighting tooth and nail, while the second, with a barely sufficient rotation, ended in a fall. The other jump elements were executed impeccably, with a bonus mention for the quadruple Salchow and the two triple Axels, the second of those in combination with a triple Toeloop. There’s still a doubt on the call for unclear edge in the triple flip, that was completed without any problem. Taking into consideration that the program was “put together” in few weeks, today’s result is more than satisfying, but, it will be necessary to improve the physical condition in order to raise the bar. Hanyu missed the total 300 points for a few cents, going above 290 point for the 16th time, which had never happened before. Runner up, with the highest score in his career, we have Jason BROWN (274.82), who was able to complete eight triple jumps, included well-made Axels for him. The USA athlete also got the highest score of the day in the program components. Japanese Yuma KAGIYAMA’s (270.61) performance can’t go unnoticed, third at his international debut in a senior competition. The sixteen-year-old, born in the trade, executed two high quality quadruple Toeloops, adding seven triple jumps, included two Axels. KAGIYAMA preeceded by a hair-breadth the Chinese Boyang JIN (267.67), that missed two of the four planned quadruples, and the Korean Junhwan CHA (265.43), penalized for some jumps with not quite sufficient rotation, but who was able to skate a qualitative high first part of the Free skate. Yuzuru HANYU gave to Japan the 8th success in the Men Single of the Four Continents Championship, one more than Canada. |
English translation by Alessandra Montrucchio.
In his glorious, more than ten years career, Yuzuru HANYU has created many, unforgettable masterpieces. Of course, it will always be hard to choose just one of them, but when a free skate is involved, it’s hard not to think of the 2017 World Championships in Helsinki and of “Hope and Legacy”. It was an extraordinary performance that acquired a legendary aura, what with the emotional implications of such a crucial moment and competition. At the 4CC Gala exhibition, HANYU, right after completing the “SuperSlam”, had a brilliant idea: bringing back a revised version of “Hope and Legacy”. Our mind went back to March 2017, with goose-bumps all over as unavoidable outcome. An outstandingly beautiful performance, to be savored from top to bottom. |
Traduzione in Spagnolo
Many thanks to @YuzuruLatino for the perfect translation.
Hope&Legacy made the history of figure skating. The choice to propose it again in #4ContFigure exhibition was a nice gift for everyone#YuzuruHanyu once again reveals himself for what he is:
much more than a great skater— Massimiliano Ambesi (@max_ambesi) February 10, 2020
12 febbraio
Articolo/intervista a Massimiliano su OASport, di cui una parte dedicata al pattinaggio e a Yuzuru Hanyu.
“Ambesi Winter Corner”
Traduzione in inglese della parte su Yuzuru.
2020.02.12@max_ambesi Winter Corner#YuzuruHanyu is the athlete of the week in winter sports
Translation of the part on Hanyu.
source:— ElenaC ?(´・ω・`)? (@EleC2706) February 12, 2020
Now it’s past 2 am, maybe tomorrow I will translate also this @max_ambesi post, but for now…
Basically he says Yuzu is a sport icon with a legendary aura and a palmares with just a few equals, he represents the healthy and clean side of the Sport and he unites people>>>— ElenaC ?(´・ω・`)? (@EleC2706) February 13, 2020
Puntata di Poligono 360, parte dedicata a Yuzuru Hanyu (con sottotitoli in Inglese)
Un grazie immenso a Max, che nonostante tutti gli ostacoli commerciali e televisivi di questa stagione continua ad arricchire la nostra esperienza di appassionati di pattinaggio e fans di Hanyu con la sua competenza e professionalità.
A proposito: proprio ieri Massimiliano ha vinto il contest online “Microfono d’oro-Bis” come “miglior commentatore tecnico sportivo” del panorama video-televisivo, indetto da Sport in Media.
Congratulazioni a Max e grazie a tutti coloro che lo hanno votato, aiutando così anche gli appassionati di pattinaggio di figura a dimostrare che ci sono, che sono numerosi, presenti, attenti e attivi!
Alla prossima!!
Mi raccomando, se ne avete voglia lasciate un commento!!
Ciao ciao!
Ottimo post Elena per il nostro stimatissimo e seguitissimo Max !
Grazie Ida! Era il minimo ^__^
Caspita, hai archiviato tutto il lavoro sui social di Max! Si sa la tua passione per Hanyu-kun e il rispetto a Max. Complimenti!!
P.s. anch’io ho votato a Max ?
Sìì! Grande rispetto per Max e supporto totale a Yuzu!!!
Grazie per averlo votato, Eriko. E’ importante far sentire la nostra voce nel mondo del pattinaggio, che spesso non funziona proprio bene, e Max ci sta aiutando molto!